
Shetland Lace motif

The other day, I used a lot of threads when I made the silk cashmere Margaret.
This thread is sold from the brand called Avril in Japan.
 I bought cone winding thread for the first time, but I did not measure the weight at first, so I was at a loss for not knowing how much was left.
I was trying to find out what else I should use and I thought that fine was just right, so I decided to try Shetland Race which I thought was going to be done before a while.

I referred to a book that summarizes the techniques learned when traveling Estonia, written by famous knitting artist Hayashi Kotomi.
旅して出会ったエストニアのアメイジングニット (ニットマニアックス)

Among many colorful works, I was concerned about delicate works of Shetland Lace using one color.
There was something I was trying to do several times, but I gave up on every occasion because the pattern did not work out or the thread did not fit.
While suppressing the urge to put out hands on the shawls and mufflers listed in the book, we first decided to knit a small motif for practice.
 I managed to shape it.
It is characterized by decorations like ball knitting called Estonian knop at the corner of the diamond.


I thought that the thread was a little thick, but when I read the book I seem to have used anything other than the thin thread originally, so I do not really care about the thickness of the thread.

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Although it is difficult, ... it is worthwhile to say that there are rewarding challenges when a pattern looks like it!
The Shetland Race is listed only has this book, I thought that I would like to see more works and decided to purchase another book.

I do not see a book specialized in Shetland racing in Japan so much, but since there are 82 kinds of patterns on it and various works seem to be on it variously, I purchased this book.
I am excited that new knitting books will arrive!

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